
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

slow it down

well if this was week one here in silver city, it feels like week four. to be fair, i have been here 10 days; but to be honest, its like, uh... been a lifetime already.
"turning a new leaf" isn't it at all. its not like something "new" or even could be called a "beginning". really, moving to silver city has been a seamless transition that has felt all too good and too well... if such things can really be in excess.
no, living in silver city is like being exactly where i needed to be all along. its like my heart had found its home here long before my person arrived in my subaru two fridays ago. i have always known my soul lives in mountains, colorado taught me to appreciate that. but then there is this interesting piece about me where lately i had been threatening my friends and family that i was going to live in a hippie commune in the mountains, growing my own fruit and vegetables, raising goats and chickens, and knitting by a wood-stove. now that i am here in silver city i can see that reality projected all around me. what was an illusive threat is actually a very reasonable reality here in silver. these things happen, and, i would not be surprised if the majority of folks from this town have shared in such experiences themselves in this lifetime, and more likely, it is their day-to-day existence.

what i can say for certain is that that this place is real, more real to me than i had expected. its been like living in a constant state of self-awareness...

which brings me to my point: slow it down.

life is often confused with some sort of rat-race, social climbing gig, that in the end, is no fun, leaves you empty handed, and maybe even empty hearted. i decided when i left the big-cat (because in the city its cats that run around killing rats) race of d.c. that that was not for me (i already knew that before, i just needed a big smack on the head as a reminder).
no, i am in it for the glorious moments of silence. for the sunsets. see below.

photos taken from a snowy (!) hike up boston hill for yet another amazing sunset.

how could you not think that life is about nothing but silence on top of a mountain at dusk?

and so i have begun to understand slowing it down. living for the silence. listening, not speaking. taking it in. being overwhelmed... in a good way. seeing, being, believing. i believe that this life is about all of the above, the experience of it all, and the way we shape and shift our being accordingly.

and so when someone asks me, "do you miss home yet?" i think, "how could i?" and i answer to myself, "but i am home, it just took me a while to get here."

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